Author: greenele

  • What do you know about the new world order?

    In 2030, You’ll Own Nothing And Be Happy About It We have to cut personal consumption of stuff because burning fossil fuel has caused the current climate change emergency.  The World Economic Forum leaders expect us to reduce personal ownership to zero.  Have these private jet flying billionaires got our best interests at heart? How…

  • Rewilding


    Have you ever tried touching the grass after it’s been left for a week or two?You might see one or two weed sticking their heads up from the lawn which is maybe 4 or 5 inches high. If you’re lucky you might see a couple of pretty flowers.Leave the garden alone for 3 months and…

  • What are carbon offset schemes?

    A carbon offset scheme is a way to compensate for emissions caused by travel or lifestyle choices. Carbon offsets take place when one company or individual pays to have another company reduce or capture emissions elsewhere in the world. How does carbon offset work? When you purchase a carbon offset, you are essentially paying to…